Hello. Are you looking to leave us a review? Whether it’s a good review or a bad review, your feedback is valuable to us and helps us improve for the better. If you had a wonderful experience with us or a staff member went above and beyond to help you, we want to know. Alternatively, if you had a poor experience and we have room for improvement, we want to know. There’s a few places you can leave our company a review.
If you have a Google account, you can leave a review on our Google listing. Google lets you pick a star rating between 1 star and 5 stars. Leaving feedback is completely optional, but it does help us improve. If you are unsure you have a Google account, an easy way to tell is if you have a YouTube or Gmail account you use. If you do, you have a Google account. Another way to test if you have an account is by clicking our link here to leave a review. It will ask you to login if you are not already. If you do not know your login information, you can follow Google’s steps to resetting your password. – Leave Us A Google Review
If you have an account on Facebook, you can also leave us a review. By going to our business page or searching “MyHotTub.com”, you can navigate to the “Reviews” tab and share your feedback there. Here’s a link to take you right there. – Leave Us A Facebook Review
Our Website
If you don’t have a Facebook or Google account, you can also review us on our website. On our MyHotTub website, login to your account or create a new account. Once you do that, you can navigate to the product you want to review. Each product on our website, whether hot tubs or cover lifts, allows you to leave a review and rating. You review can be strictly about the product, about our company and your experience, or both. When you’re on one of our product pages, you can either scroll down to the product reviews and then click “LEAVE REVIEW” or you can review total underneath the star rating. This will automatically take you down to the review location where you can leave a review by clicking “LEAVE REVIEW”. You can choose a star rating between 1 star and 5 stars. Leaving a title or a review is optional, but both do help us improve as a company.
Thank You
A review is not necessary or required, but it really does help us improve our service and only takes a minute. Whether you leave the review on Google, Facebook, or our website, it still helps us. If you decide to leave a review, we sincerely thank you for taking the time to do so. You feedback is important to us and can help us improve our service, our website, our stores, our products, and more.